Day 23 people! No judgey judgey here!
This is about me and everyone is different, right?! I'm still sugar detoxing but not in the "whole30" scheme of things. Well what do I mean? See below and my breakfast!
I have Stupid Easy Paleo's Performance Paleo cookbook and in it is this Hulk Shake though the Sweet Potato Pie Recovery Shake sounds just as good!. Perfect! I do have some whey protein that D wasn't using but I think it's concentrate and not isolate. As I learned today if you have a milk intolerance than isolate is the best choice because it removes more of the lactase leaving roughly 1%. So I'm thinking do-able. Why a protein shake? One I think it will be absorbed by my compromised gut and if I'm not super hungry it's "light" enough.
Of course I ended up at Whole Foods while looking for my protein powder (they were having a sale!) I ended up again at the hot bar! I have food already made at home but to have Nom Nom Paleo's food, I mean really?! I can't resist! Pineapple Pulled Pork and Shredded Brussels with bacon. I also love the broccoli crunch salad. That one isn't the cleanest but still so good and I don't have it very often.
Not sure how good it actually looks to you but for me - so yum!
Here is my Whole Foods protein powder purchase. I checked out the price for Whole Foods versus Vitamin Shoppe and it was $10 less. Score! I'm hoping it's as good as I've been told! It's chocolate so really how bad can it be? I just hope I don't react to it, which I don't think so! I will try another Hulk Shake tomorrow morning and see how it goes! It made me really cold this morning and it's already cold outside, brrr!!
Oh I did go to the gym this morning and here was my workout.
20 minute incline treadmill walk
gluten day!
100# gluten machine kickbacks
side lunges - bodyweight 4 sets 10 each side
abductor and adductor machine - roughly 115 to 145# on each
reverse leg curls - single legs 40# then double 75#
lat raises
20# push press
35# pull overs
I also did ab work in between sets - so lots of abs as usual.
Tomorrow is a rest day so I will be doing restorative yoga.
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