Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Weekend Recap

Ah, the long weekend!  

What isn't there not to love?!  They can be lazy or productive or both!  They usually end with wine!

I did forget to go to a birthday party though!  Oops! I was so busy Saturday that I totally forgot.  I got up my usual time which is generally between 7 and 7:30.  I did 45 minutes of cardio then went out for coffee and made breakfast.  Weekends it seems I like to get all my workouts in at home, so I will continue that until I prefer to go to the gym.  I did some upper body in the weight room (basement).  I need to get a few more weights then I think I will be all set.  The adjustable weights would be great!  For right now at least. I like the look of these!

Saturday morning cuteness right here!  How can you not love a kitty cuddled up in a blanket?!  Ok, if you are a dog lover than this isn't the cutest.  But, I post about the pups all over the place! 

Nostrand in her chair and blankets
Week 3 of project walkway and I finally finished it!  Yes, I did this all by myself.  No help, except for bringing in the pea gravel because my back just couldn't take anymore lifting.  I moved enough bags of sand from Home Depot to the car then to the backyard.

For dinner we went to Mt. Chalet - right across the street.  We went there all sweaty and sat outside.  Me sweaty from my morning workout and then my walkway and D from riding.  Their burgers are just so good!  Piedmontese burger with bacon, coleslaw and guacamole!  Guacamole on everything!  What can be better?!

I wanted a treat and a cold hard cider sounded so good.  It had a hint of cherry, yum!  Zombie Killer - not my favorite name but worth it!  It was cold and more sugar than I have had in a while, I didn't even drink it all.

Sunday morning I wanted a smoothie bowl.  This isn't the prettiest or most elaborate one by far - there are so many out there.  I stumbled on Earthy Andy, check out her site - everything is so bright and delicious looking.  My smoothie bowl has a whole banana -which is more than I should be eating in a single day, but I only eat fruit once or twice a week.  I added Maple Hill Creamery plain greek yogurt to my shake mix and topped it with a coconut/peanut butter mix.

Sunday night some storms came in, though not nearly what they were suppose to be.  None the less Jack hates any loud noises and was just shaking.  So we wrapped him in his thunder shirt which helps and gave him his duck for comfort.  It definitely helped.

There really isn't too much more to the weekend -Monday was pretty much the same even though it was the holiday.  I worked out at home, D went riding and we headed to my dad's for dinner by the pool.

Some things I am working on that I will be writing about soon.

Beautycounter - I'm a consulant now.  Visit my page to learn more.

Nutritional Therapy  - going to start down that path in September!

Last "official" appointment with Dr. Brett Allen and lab results.


Friday, May 26, 2017

Bad reaction to ? Nuts?

I was feeling fine yesterday.  I ate my normal breakfast and lunch was my shake and an RxBar.  The RxBar was the Maple Sea Salt and tasted so good.  

Not huge on sugar and I know cashews are okay.  Pecans?  Maybe the problem?  Egg whites (doubtful)  Like I said I was feeling fine all day and I was hungry around 3:30 and couldn't wait to get home.  Once I got through the door I ate 2 pieces of goose liver pate, which I ate yesterday too without any problem.  Dinner was what I had below.  2 eggs and 2 pieces of bacon and 3 cassava flour pancakes topped with coconut/peanut butter mix.  That's when I felt sick to my stomach!

Tasty dinner!  I love Thursday's!
So, how do I know it wasn't dinner that bothered me?  I have always been able to pin point what bothered my stomach other times.  It's always the meal I had prior and it doesn't happen until after I eat my next meal. I ended going to bed early.  I still took my supplements and even had some heartburn too.  I found it woke me in the middle of the night and I couldn't really go back to sleep either and I had a hard time falling asleep.

I still have a little heartburn and my stomach was a little off when I got out of bed.  My brain feels a little on the foggy side.  I felt good enough to go the gym and lift and run without an issue.  I was still able to have breakfast - but felt gassy afterwards.  I drank dandelion tea and had an extra activated charcoal.

So how am I going to move forward?  Well it's all experimental.  I have limited my nut consumption anyway.  So maybe if it's just for Thursday nights.  I have a peanut butter RxBar to try next, so will see how I react to that one too, but not for a few days.  I haven't gone overboard (more than 3 days) with anything else.  Maybe it was just an overload of things on one day that I have more of a reaction too when I consume them too much- eggs, cassava flour, nuts, coffee.  I had been curious about it.

I think this is one of the times that nothing can be done but waiting it out and maybe being a little more mindful.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Elimination Diets and Reactions to Foods

As a first note, I have to say that EVERYONE reacts differently.  Sure there can be some similarities but in general my reactions will be different from the next persons.  A friend of mine says she doesn't have a reaction to certain foods but has IBS.  To me that is a signal that something that is being consumed is not sitting well hence causing the IBS.  Well all know what IBS is right, yup!  It's the doctors way of saying that they don't know what is going on and will throw a pill at you.  For me it was Linzess.  Despite eating paleo, there was something still going on in my gut that just wasn't working. Trust me I fought it the whole time.  I'm learning though what is causing my leaky gut and taking not to either eliminate those things or cut down on them.  

My biggest obsession is peanut butter or nut butters in general.  I have tried about every company out there and every flavor combination there was to buy.  When I eat too much it shows on my face and yet I continue to eat it because damn it just tastes delicious.

Love is an understatement!

Now this Elvis Presley sandwich I would totally get into - except the bread.  Bacon, pb, jelly and bananas.  How can it get any better then that?!  I'm sure I can make a paleo/AIP bread that could more than substitute for this gluten yuck fest! LOL - sorry - I love the smell of certain breads, but really don't care about them or miss them.  I would rather have more of the fillings.

So reactions - I have already mentioned that when I eat too many nut butters - whether it's a legume (peanut) or a tree nut.  I get chin acne.  My digestion seems to be fine - I haven't noticed anything abnormal.  I think I need to have them no more than 3 times per week.

Eggs - another that I loved so much and would start every morning why them - minimum of 4 per day, plus mayo.  OMG, nothing quite like fried eggs with mayo on top and avocado!

So, again too many eggs and it's breakout city!  So again I have been sticking to 2 eggs or mayo no more than 3 times per week.  So generally I will have eggs twice and mayo once.

My last food that I have reactions to is dairy, no this one can show up in 2 ways.  I only have dairy twice a week and it's grass fed full fat plain greek yogurt.  If I have any cheese then in about 30 minutes to an hour I am running to the bathroom.  I can also have a number of breakouts.  Typically around the chin area and the occasional forehead monster.

My favs are Stonyfield (not greek), Maple Hill Creamery and Wallaby.

I believe that anyone that has digestive issues, autoimmune conditions, acne, achy joints and pain, the list goes on should do an elimination diet.  Even if they think they don't have any reactions.  How do you really know?  What if you are missing the key to what's wrong?  Wouldn't you want to live without some sort of drug if you really didn't have to?  I know I do!  I know there are some that I do need to be on and stay on that will not change and I am ok with that.  If I don't have to add on any others than that's a win in my book.

There are so many protocols to follow that can help uncover so much: paleo, primal, keto, low carb, AIP.

Which one(s) have you tried, what has worked?  What did you find out about yourself?  How long did it take you to accept that you couldn't eat a food that you ate all the time?  What did you continue to eat despite what you learned?

Friday, May 19, 2017

New Foods - Why am I so hungry?!

I don't know why - but for me I am ALWAYS extra hungry on rest days.  I mean seriously I could eat all the things right now!  I ate almost 1000 calories at dinner and yet still hungry and I have drank a ton of water.
So, what new foods have I brought back in?  Well today I had one of the new RxBar's - Mixed Berry. I also ate 2 slices of Legit Bread - it's under the eggs!  I had 2 kinds in the freezer - one that was low carb and one that was the original recipe and I can't remember which was which - Oh well!  Yes, that was my almost 1000 calorie dinner.  2 slices of bacon, green beans and jalapeño cooked in the bacon drippings, a chicken thigh (ate another and hour later), 2 eggs on Legit bread and mayo on top.  Seriously so good, I almost couldn't eat it fast enough!  Just bizarre!  Now earlier I had my typical breakfast and shake for lunch. I even had some coffee with canned lite coconut milk.

So they RxBar was tasty.  A little sticky and chunks of almonds but the flavor was definitely mixed berry.  On a sad note I had jaw pain that developed later in the day.  I'm thinking that almonds just really are not my friends.  I should give them up for a while longer.

I'm also on week 2 of my lifting program and able to push a little more weight.  The lifting time is shorter than in later weeks.

My bench press weight - I want it over 35#.  It was there the first round!
I'm also taking Stryker to work with me on a weekly basis.  Every Tuesday!  He gets requested now.  It's so cute, he is getting more comfortable and will go exploring.  He is a natural whiner but it's gets really bad when lunch arrives.  I have to take him out of the office for the hour.  He even barks at everyone for their food.  He does start to get bored though!

Oh puppy!  Get to work!  Make a phone call!
I have to get the nut butters out.  No it isn't a new food intro but there are times I eat it too many days in a row and my chin breaks out.  I'm currently dealing with that one!  So I know my trigger foods and nuts are one of them.  So I just need to limit them to 3 times per week and I think I will be ok.  First though my face needs to heal up more.  Just a sign that things are not always perfect and I don't expect them to be.  I can deal with small eliminations of things.  If I can have them every now and then I am good.  Just no going crazy and eating it every day.  I haven't done it with coffee so I should be better about nut butters.  Almonds are the worst though and I had them 2 days in a row and I got more breakouts - so I sent my bestie Kari a gift package of all the almond based things in the house.  Including those RxBars.  I did keep the peanut butter one though and can't wait to try it.

I'm looking forward to the weekend and it's almost here.  I have been busy at work, but not busy enough to make the day fly by.  I have nothing big planned, just the usual.  Cardio in the basement in the morning followed by breakfast, coffee and lifting.  Sunday it's suppose to rain 100% so I may just get up for when the gym opens at 8am and go running. 

We shall see if it does rain or not.  I still haven't been to the farmers market since they opened at the beginning of the month.  So I guess it will depend on the weather for that one.  What other plans can there be?!

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Tired and Hungry! - How to deal??!?!! Week in one Post

I love to put exclamations points multiple times - like one is just never enough.  More is better, ok we know that is not true, but for this it is!  Right now, more exercise is not better.  Monday I started my 14 week lifting cycle over again.  Monday was chest focused.  It was over so quick compared to what it has been.  But, I get to focus on lifting heavier right now in the first 7 weeks then the last.  Tuesday was legs and Wednesday was cardio.  For my cardio I ran 2 miles then did 10 minutes of kettlebell swings, followed by 2 more miles on the treadmill.  It was nice to break it up, plus I had a bathroom break and figured it was a good switching point.

The rest of Wednesday I was just plain exhausted and before dinner came around I was staving and ate so much!  It was similar to what I ate Monday night, pic on the top!  BUT, it was 2 chicken thighs, 1/2 pound of sautéed vegetables and a heap of purple sweet potato fries.  The pic on the bottom is tonight's (Thursday) dinner.  White sweet potato avocado toast, mixed with mayo, 2 eggs and bacon with some sautéed spinach.  I did eat more sweet potato then this. 

Monday dinner -crispy chicken thighs, oven roasted purple sweet potato fries, cauliflower and green beans
White sweet potato avocado toast
Friday, finally here!  The morning went very quickly BUT the afternoon was the slowest EVER!  I was less than motivated but kept to it.  I again was so hungry when I got home.  I ate my left over white sweet potato and made crispy chicken thighs (my new fav!) and 1/2 pound of sautéed veggies.  I also ate a few bites of "granola" from Whole Me.  Very little sugar - I think the thing I crave the most is texture.  A couple bites, despite not being hungry got that craving out of the way.  I figured I will need the extra bit for the mornings hour kickboxing in the basement and lifting.

Saturday morning - You know where I was!  See above, right - Kickboxing!  PopSugar's The Cut 60 minute.  So Good!!  I was a sweaty mess at the end and it was perfect way to warm up for my later lifting session.  Breakfast and lifting - what a great day!  Today was coffee day for me.  So I ordered Starbucks.  Coconut milk misto for me.  SO GOOD!!  I also stopped at the Daily Dozen for 2 donuts for D and the fur babies.  Double chocolate and blueberry!
Double Chocolate!
  After my breakfast, I then decided to tackle some house cleaning and yard work.  I removed half embedded stone from the yard and moved them to the driveway - each one weighing about 20 lbs.  I did this about 40 times, tiring.  When I came in I decided to eat my shake with Maple Hill Creamery grass fed yogurt.  This was a great twist!
Holy Cats! Was this good!!
Saturday night we went out to dinner at a local Italian restaurant called Picano's for an early Mother's Day dinner with D's parents, his brother and girlfriend.  It's pretty decent.  The inside is quite dated and usually has big parties.  Since a majority of the menu was all gluten I had a strip steak with 3 potato wedges and green beans.  I also had a glass of Chianti (Oops!).  I hope it was low sugar enough.

Sunday morning workout, I did a double fun kettlebell workout from Carrots n Cake.  I adapted it slightly.  I did 4 rounds of the first portion - which was 20 kb swings, 10 single arm rows then a 1.10 mile run.  Why 1.1 miles?  Well, that was the distance from my house to key points.  When 4 rounds were up I let the pups outside with me so I could move on to the next set, which again I adapted.  I stuck tot he 20 minute time frame and did 20 kb swings, 10 single arm rows and 20 walking lunges (each leg).  I think I got in 4 rounds.  After that was set I jogged up to Dunkin Donuts and got D an iced caramel coffee with cream and a double chocolate donut.  I also got a blueberry donut for the pups and Kaat.  They love it!

I still felt hungry but waited a little bit and had my shake with a banana.  The banana was a bit bigger then I should have had since I have a slight intolerance to them but I felt pretty good after it.  I did make a coconut milk (canned no junk) iced coffee with Chameleon Cold Brew Vanilla.  I love that stuff - it was refreshing and took my slight headache away.  I think it's because I did a lotted not enough water.  So besides my workout I went to Home Depot and moved 3 times - 40 lb bags of sand and top soil (5 bags).  Then I cut the grass.  Some Mother's Day, huh?! Well, I'm only a fur baby momma -but I love it!

The rest of the evening I am going to relax a bit we are going to take the dogs for a walk -make dinner, watching t.v, eat cashew butter and coconut butter and getting my questions ready for my appointment tomorrow morning with Dr. Allen.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Sunday Things

Yup!  It's Sunday again and I am sitting this late morning typing what has already happened and what I'm going to do the rest of the day.

I woke up early - seriously there is no surprise there!  I ended up getting out of bed around an hour later - roughly 7:15am.  I let the pups out and went to the bathroom myself.  Stryker is waiting at the door, so I let him in.  I figure the Big Dawg is behind the garage since I don't see him.  He typically likes to run around in the morning.  So I turn around to head back to the kitchen and I notice the gate is wide open!!  I freak and run upstairs to grab my sweats and yelling at D that the gate is open and I don't know where Jack is.  He runs downstairs and outside calling for him.  He was standing by the new car, he didn't go any farther!  

Dodge Challenger
I was in such a panic!  We live four houses from Woodward and that is such a busy road.  Holy Cats!!  That could have been horrible!!  So my adrenalin pumping I fed the pups and Nostrand and head to the gym for my Sunday Run - still too cold for me to just go out.  Maybe soon.

This was the second half of my run - if you're a runner you know what I'm getting at and why I had to split it up!  I was there for about an hour and varied my speed.  So I was good and sweaty when I left.  I still need to foam roll and stretch - but will get to that soon.

I made my way to Dunkin Donuts and picked up D an iced caramel coffee with cream, a double chocolate donut for him and a glazed blueberry donut for the pups and Nostrand to share.  I figured the blueberries would give them antioxidants - LOL I know it's just plain crazy - so let's move on.  One day I am hoping for an awesome paleo donut or gf.  Either way - I just think I want one or a bite.  I probably would hate it and I spent too much time thinking of it!

I got home and started my breakfast.  Before I left this morning I had 2 slices of organic roasted turkey deli meat cause I was a little hungry since I was up for a while already.  I cooked up 2 slices of bacon and then sautéed brussel sprouts, red pepper, avocado and cauliflower in with the bacon grease.  I actually needed to add a little more.  Once it was all cooked I added cashewgurt from Forager and mixed it for a little change.

I did do my stretching and then I began to pack things up to take to GoodWill.  There for sure will be more.  So I packed it all up in D's car and off I went.  I did mix up my shake and took it along with eat since I knew it was going to take me over an hour.  Plus I needed to stop off at Trader Joe's and pick up a few groceries, since I'm broke....  I do need to order more supplements too.  UGH!  It never ends does it?!

When I got home I had to pack more things up to ship since D and I had a few things listed on Ebay that ended today.  That was a shit storm!  UGH!  It's the worse part!  Oh well, I got it done for the most part.  D got home as I was bitching.... I told him dinner would be in a hour.
Here is what I made and it was super good!  I called it the burger bar since you just grab a little of everything!

A piece of bacon cooked in cast iron, then added bacon grease to cook the grass fed burger.  Cooked radicchio in the grease with red banana, sweet potato fires, tomato, avocado and McClure's pickles.  I haven't been as hungry as I had been, which is good.  But, I need to "re-evalute" what my meals have been containing, I know I haven't been getting too many calories.

D took the car for a quick drive after dinner, I think he really likes it!  When he returned we took the pups for a quick walk.  I'm finishing up this post and relaxing.  All things are prepped for tomorrow.  Early morning workout and work - with many stops on my way to work and at lunch.


Saturday, May 6, 2017

Week Wrap Up! + Spicy Plantain Chips

I ate spicy plantain chips.  They weren't spicy, that's not the issue.  My issue is now my stomach doesn't feel the greatest.  Not so bad that I think I'm going to be sick, just that thing that happens after you ate something you already know doesn't sit well with you.  I know it was the plantains since this was the only "new" thing I ate today and was feeling fine the whole day.  Needless to say I threw the rest away after I had already eaten a serving.  
I probably should have stuck with plain plantain chips.  Lessen learned, right?!

I'm trying not to A) Beat myself up for eating things - that's anything and B) Not mentally counting my calories!  If you have ever read Chocolate Covered Katie she made a post today about what she ate in a day.  It looked like a lot less then what I eat and she's vegan and she totaled it to 3000 calories.  Go check out her site.  

Earlier today I was suppose to go out with my boss to a couple of our members and have lunch.  Of course, just as she gets to work I get the call that the main member we were seeing cancelled.  So no lunch for me.  I made a stop at Papa Joe's since I was picking up pasta for D and got some veggies to go with my chicken thigh I had at home.

It was pretty good!

This is my typical morning trying to fix my breakfast and actually make it to the table.  Don't forget about the grey and white kitty that will be at the table waiting for my plate!  Constant battle for my food in the morning.

I an effort to try more things I came across red banana's.  Besides being small, I don't know what makes them different from regular bananas.  No, I didn't Google it either.  Possibly Saturday morning I will have it with my new dairy free yogurt I just found on sale at Whole Foods.  Forager cashewgurt! LOL

It was pretty good (I ate this Friday morning)  I mixed it with grilled chicken and sautéed shredded cabbage and Sriracha Brussel sprouts.  I know it sounds pretty odd, but so good.

It wasn't as thick as I was hoping but still pretty darn tasty.  As far as the red bananas I did have one Saturday morning between workouts.  It's pretty much a plantain, just smaller.  I sliced it up and sautéed it and added it to chopped bacon, brussels, red cabbage and red pepper all cooked in bacon fat and mixed up with with some cashewgurt.  So good.  Come on now, do I really eat anything that isn't good?!

I guess what I label as good someone else would label as disgusting, like the hubs!  LOL.... he thinks my food stinks.  His opinion and that's ok.  I fix him other things while my food is cooking.  Weekends are easy since he is eating cereal.

So, it's Saturday.  I'm wrapping up the week and things have gone pretty good.  I got up this morning and did 30 minutes of kickboxing had some breakfast and lifted for around an hour in the basement.  I kinda like doing my Saturday mornings like this.  Sunday I will still go to the gym when it opens at 8am and run.  I'm tight on cash - meaning I have zero until the end of the week so I don't think I will be going to opening day of the farmers market here in Birmingham - kinda of bummer.  Ok, not kinda of, it really is!

On the protocol front, I have noticed I have some good breakouts around my chin.  I'm trying to figure out why.  Is it too much peanut butter?  From the spicy plantains?  Not enough water?  In general detoxing?  So I haven't had peanut butter in a few days.  I have had cashews, in the form of yogurt, but this was after it already started.  I'm not sure if nuts in any form cause the same reaction, i.e. yogurt versus whole nuts versus nut butter.  So all I can do is pull things out or just pull back on how much I have certain things.  Nuts never came up on my allergy testing so who knows the gut is a crazy thing!  My digestion has been pretty good, no issues there.  My energy is good along with my mood and no brain fog.  So winner winner there.

I think that about wraps up the week, generally speaking.  I should probably post more often rather then putting the week into one.

So on that note, I will probably do that tomorrow.  Will see where I go and what I do!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Week ??, Meditation & Goals for this year

I had to check this morning to see what week I was on.  I pretty much go with what can I introduce this week.  So last week was dairy, which was week 7.  So that means it's week 8 and intro to grains - which by the way I will not be doing, no gluten free oats, no rice none of it.  I find I feel better without them.  I have no desire to add those back into my meals anyway.  I don't miss grains.  When I did try grains months ago I found that my brain fog was heightened throughout the day.  My mornings would start off good and as the day went on the worse I would feel.  n = 1

UGH!  This was So me for months!!
So, how did last week and dairy go?  I have to say that since I didn't over do it, it went well!  I only added yogurt in and the best I liked was the Maple Hill Creamery grass fed yogurt.  If the Wallaby had the plain greek without the fruit then I would go with either.  Maybe it does exist and I need to go back to their website and take a look and maybe that my store just didn't have it in stock.  I also wouldn't mind trying Siggi's triple cream yogurt.  I find the plain yogurts have the right amount of sweetness without having flavor that I couldn't add to both sweet or savory dishes.  Like last night I had yogurt with plantain fries with sautéed mixed vegetables.  That combination was really good.  I should have taken a picture but honestly it was a heap messy pile of food.  I really should make my food look prettier but hey this is real life and it doesn't always need to look like something you got at an upscale restaurant.

Ok, so it's Monday.  I just got done meeting with Dr Allen.  All I can say is why didn't I ask about this before or remember that coffee is considered a bean and I could have been drinking coffee like 2 weeks ago!  Ah! Oh well!  So I will rotate coffee and peanut butter.  Odd I know, but I love both!  I will have coffee 3 times per week and peanut butter 3 times per week just not on the same day.  Seems like a winner winner to me!

That brings me to my next area I really need to work on.  I think it's really going to start with me going to yoga on a more consistent basis.  I think meditation will flow into that a little better.  Yesterday's yoga really kicked my ass.  WOW, I think I would have been able to stay in chair and goddess pose longer if Saturday wasn't leg day and Sunday morning I didn't run.  Maybe I will try a different form then the hot vinyasa I did yesterday at Center for Yoga.  I hadn't been there in a decade or more!  Long time I know.

I think I have mentioned prior that I am not going to count macros anymore.  It's brought up old habits that I don't care to do again.  Years ago I was a super restricter and I was training and teaching 6 classes per week while eating around 1000 calories a day.  Really not good.  Interesting though that after I found paleo my weight stayed the same until I started doing more AltShift and Keto.  I also changed my exercise to more lifting and less endurance.  I've put on 12 pounds since and only went up 1 size.  So I'm ok with it.

Breakfast this morning - or should I say - fat, protein and carbs?! 
So, I guess that brings me to my last point of all this, goals!  Well, right now it's just one goal.  I have been thinking about it for quite some time.  I am in the winter going to do the nutritional therapy practitioner program.  The intensive is in Ann Arbor so makes it far more economical to get to.  I'll get into that one in another post.  It's late and I need to wind down for the night.