Friday, May 26, 2017

Bad reaction to ? Nuts?

I was feeling fine yesterday.  I ate my normal breakfast and lunch was my shake and an RxBar.  The RxBar was the Maple Sea Salt and tasted so good.  

Not huge on sugar and I know cashews are okay.  Pecans?  Maybe the problem?  Egg whites (doubtful)  Like I said I was feeling fine all day and I was hungry around 3:30 and couldn't wait to get home.  Once I got through the door I ate 2 pieces of goose liver pate, which I ate yesterday too without any problem.  Dinner was what I had below.  2 eggs and 2 pieces of bacon and 3 cassava flour pancakes topped with coconut/peanut butter mix.  That's when I felt sick to my stomach!

Tasty dinner!  I love Thursday's!
So, how do I know it wasn't dinner that bothered me?  I have always been able to pin point what bothered my stomach other times.  It's always the meal I had prior and it doesn't happen until after I eat my next meal. I ended going to bed early.  I still took my supplements and even had some heartburn too.  I found it woke me in the middle of the night and I couldn't really go back to sleep either and I had a hard time falling asleep.

I still have a little heartburn and my stomach was a little off when I got out of bed.  My brain feels a little on the foggy side.  I felt good enough to go the gym and lift and run without an issue.  I was still able to have breakfast - but felt gassy afterwards.  I drank dandelion tea and had an extra activated charcoal.

So how am I going to move forward?  Well it's all experimental.  I have limited my nut consumption anyway.  So maybe if it's just for Thursday nights.  I have a peanut butter RxBar to try next, so will see how I react to that one too, but not for a few days.  I haven't gone overboard (more than 3 days) with anything else.  Maybe it was just an overload of things on one day that I have more of a reaction too when I consume them too much- eggs, cassava flour, nuts, coffee.  I had been curious about it.

I think this is one of the times that nothing can be done but waiting it out and maybe being a little more mindful.

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