I ate spicy plantain chips. They weren't spicy, that's not the issue. My issue is now my stomach doesn't feel the greatest. Not so bad that I think I'm going to be sick, just that thing that happens after you ate something you already know doesn't sit well with you. I know it was the plantains since this was the only "new" thing I ate today and was feeling fine the whole day. Needless to say I threw the rest away after I had already eaten a serving.
I probably should have stuck with plain plantain chips. Lessen learned, right?!
I'm trying not to A) Beat myself up for eating things - that's anything and B) Not mentally counting my calories! If you have ever read Chocolate Covered Katie she made a post today about what she ate in a day. It looked like a lot less then what I eat and she's vegan and she totaled it to 3000 calories. Go check out her site.
Earlier today I was suppose to go out with my boss to a couple of our members and have lunch. Of course, just as she gets to work I get the call that the main member we were seeing cancelled. So no lunch for me. I made a stop at Papa Joe's since I was picking up pasta for D and got some veggies to go with my chicken thigh I had at home.
It was pretty good!
This is my typical morning trying to fix my breakfast and actually make it to the table. Don't forget about the grey and white kitty that will be at the table waiting for my plate! Constant battle for my food in the morning.
I an effort to try more things I came across red banana's. Besides being small, I don't know what makes them different from regular bananas. No, I didn't Google it either. Possibly Saturday morning I will have it with my new dairy free yogurt I just found on sale at Whole Foods. Forager cashewgurt! LOL
It was pretty good (I ate this Friday morning) I mixed it with grilled chicken and sautéed shredded cabbage and Sriracha Brussel sprouts. I know it sounds pretty odd, but so good.
It wasn't as thick as I was hoping but still pretty darn tasty. As far as the red bananas I did have one Saturday morning between workouts. It's pretty much a plantain, just smaller. I sliced it up and sautéed it and added it to chopped bacon, brussels, red cabbage and red pepper all cooked in bacon fat and mixed up with with some cashewgurt. So good. Come on now, do I really eat anything that isn't good?!
I guess what I label as good someone else would label as disgusting, like the hubs! LOL.... he thinks my food stinks. His opinion and that's ok. I fix him other things while my food is cooking. Weekends are easy since he is eating cereal.
So, it's Saturday. I'm wrapping up the week and things have gone pretty good. I got up this morning and did 30 minutes of kickboxing had some breakfast and lifted for around an hour in the basement. I kinda like doing my Saturday mornings like this. Sunday I will still go to the gym when it opens at 8am and run. I'm tight on cash - meaning I have zero until the end of the week so I don't think I will be going to opening day of the farmers market here in Birmingham - kinda of bummer. Ok, not kinda of, it really is!
On the protocol front, I have noticed I have some good breakouts around my chin. I'm trying to figure out why. Is it too much peanut butter? From the spicy plantains? Not enough water? In general detoxing? So I haven't had peanut butter in a few days. I have had cashews, in the form of yogurt, but this was after it already started. I'm not sure if nuts in any form cause the same reaction, i.e. yogurt versus whole nuts versus nut butter. So all I can do is pull things out or just pull back on how much I have certain things. Nuts never came up on my allergy testing so who knows the gut is a crazy thing! My digestion has been pretty good, no issues there. My energy is good along with my mood and no brain fog. So winner winner there.
I think that about wraps up the week, generally speaking. I should probably post more often rather then putting the week into one.
So on that note, I will probably do that tomorrow. Will see where I go and what I do!
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