Workout of the Day: 20 minutes elliptical - always variety in intensity. That was followed by 30 minutes of treadmill jogging. Nice and steady at 5.6. Felt really great
I got home and took care of a few things, showered and ate some coconut butter. I somehow forgot about this in my cupboard that I open daily.
I again as every morning battling for my breakfast with Kaat!
She is just so cute.
I got the dishes cleaned up and got ready for work. I even had time to vacuum the floors before I left. They needed it. Work wasn't bad today, I kept busy with all the calls I made but around noon my stomach began to grumble and I wanted to head home for a few reasons: We had horrible wind gusts all day so I wanted to make sure the Big Dawg was ok. He HATES noise. I had to put him on his leash to get him out the door. Wanted to make sure we had power. Yes we do. Then I wanted lunch! As I prepared it I tried some jicama sticks I got at Trader Joe's. I forgot how much I liked these. Kind of sweet and crunchy. I've been missing crunchy!
Todays bowl was avocado, ground turkey, swiss chard, cauliflower and shredded brussel sprouts cooked in avocado oil. I haven't had swiss chard in a long time and it wasn't too bad.
I got back to work and emailed my doctor to clarify that during this elimination phase I could have herbal teas, which happily I can and I have a few favorites. I also wanted to see if I could eat Legit bread, it is seriously the best bread out there. I sent him the link and even though it's paleo and clean it's still considered a "cheat". So no go as a replacement for Thursday night pancake night. I don't get any of it, no pancakes, no bread like product. I considered eating eggs bacon, and maybe some parsnip fries, but since I had eggs yesterday I noticed today I have a couple breakouts!
Could it be the eggs are offensive?! I had broccoli too yesterday? Is that possible? A combination of two foods that are offensive? I scored a 1 for both of these, so no more than 3 times per week. It's questionable. Another word on questionable I had the shake again, 4 scoops and by the end it just sit right. I know I will get use to it, just like carob. Once you are use to the odd taste you love it.
I did't eat a typical dinner since I wasn't really hungry when I got home. I made D's dinner which was a quick orange chicken, sweet potato with peas and carrots. I made a plain chicken breast cooked in some avocado oil for me and ate 3 small pieces, a few bites of roasted sweet potato. Later I went back for the remainder of my roasted cauliflower and cabbage. I topped it off with a few bites of coconut butter.
I'm not sure I'm getting at least 6 cups of vegetables? Do you think it looks that way?
Thoughts on eggs - since I have a tendency for them to be offensive - acne causing?
What should I talk about in the upcoming days?
Meditation practice? Workouts? Meals on a protocol? Something else?
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