Monday, March 6, 2017

A late starting protocol

4:40am and I am up and heading downstairs.  I let the pups out, gather my laptop and head downstairs to the basement gym.  I debated on going to the gym for my 5am routine but thought I would stay home this morning.  My hope was that the pups would leave D alone so he could sleep, but no.  They acted ridiculous just like if I would have left for the gym, so no extra sleep for him.  So here is what I did.  I still sporting lower back issues so I can squat nearly what I would like.  But, I am working on form so I know I will get there.

Monday routine - In between sets I ran in place or did some cardio burst:

Squats - 6 sets 50#
Sissy squats - 4 set
Lunges - 4 sets 50# - should be walking
Bodyweight Superperson - 4 sets
Incline reverse crunch - 4 sets
calf raises - totally forgot to do these!  (I will get them in later) 4 sets 50#, 30#

Then I did a 15 minute Popsugar cardio workout which you can find here.
Total time: 75 minutes

After showering I make my lunch and breakfast for the day.

Breakfast was chai rooibos coconut milk latte.  3 oz pork, 2 slices of bacon, zucchini, cabbage, cauliflower, mushrooms and topped with avocado.

Lunch was 1 can of tuna which I will top with olive oil later, olives, hearts of palm, english cucumber, spinach, shaved brussel sprouts, radish and avocado.  Certainly hope it hits the spot later!  I will not be taking a lunch today at work to come home since I will be on Skype with my functional med doctor this morning.

 Lunch was good!  I did add a little bit of olive oil so the tuna wasn't dry and delish!  Though I was bloated the remainder of the day, raw brussels and spinach maybe?

My desk with a little view.  My large water, which I still need to drink more.  I got two of those puppies down!

I didn't have the shake at work, bright yellow right!  The flavor of this one is spice, taste like chai, it's not horrible but I wonder now if I should have bought the chocolate orange.  I should be having anywhere from 3 to 6 scoops per day.  Today was 4 scoops and I put just enough water in it so it was more like pudding.  The rest of dinner was roasted cauliflower and cabbage and one bubble & squeak, I went back for more cabbage.  I don't know what it is about roasted cabbage that I love so much and I go months without having it too.

I was given the clear to have some eggs up to 3 days a week, so tomorrow I will added that to my lunch.  No tuna, only so much of that I can handle.

My next task is to meditate.  I debated on spinning for 20 minutes and then meditating, then it was just yoga, and now it's just meditating.  It might not be 30 minutes but whatever I get it will be a start.  Baby steps for this and jump right into everything else!

How am I feeling?  Day 1 I am feeling pretty good.  Besides the brief bloat I have no issues.

I will get some good sleep and get up to go to the gym, lift the heavy things and then my appointment with the rheumatologist.  It should be interesting, I have no idea what to expect.

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