Sunday, August 26, 2018

Go back to the beginning - There is no weight loss pill (SORRY!)

What if I told you that you would never have to diet again?  That when you think of the word "diet" it has zero reference to weight loss.  Are you shocked?  You shouldn't be, but then again we have been told for decades that we need this weight loss pill, or this highly restrictive, zero fat weight loss plan. We are told that this highly processed food or pill, will result in astounding physical transformation.  Well, you can't have weight loss and highly processed, chemical laden, zero fat cookies, or anything like that.  The human body knows when it is not fed a proper diet (as in real food).  It will try to fight back.  Signs that your body doesn't like what you are putting into can be: heartburn, improper digestion, constipation, inflammation and a general ill feeling.

If you have been in the Paleo world you probably have heard of Jason Sieb.  If not, you should check out his site here.  I was listening to his podcast - AltShift (fabulous program BTW) and he said something along the line of "You can have sustainable weight loss or YUM".  Think about that for a second.  Now, I am not stating that all your food should be bland, not even close.  What I am saying is, if you want to fix your body that "yum" may not be in the equation.  What do I mean by "yum"?  I'm talking about highly refined treats and foods.  Pre-made frozen meals, high amounts of carbs from sugar, candy, and chocolate with more ingredients than you can read or even pronounced.  Now, I do believe in having a treat, maybe once a week, if your body is in homeostasis (you feel great!).  BUT, until you get there I would advise leaving "yum" alone until your body can handle it.  Then again, maybe once you get there your idea of yum will be totally different than once it was.  My idea of yum is bbq fatty brisket, bacon and eggs, Primal Kitchen's avocado mayonnaise, and avocado.

Why haven't you lost that weight you are so desperately trying to get rid of?  What's the real reason you fail to start, or you start and then that one bite of something (cupcake?!?) that throws you off and you forget the whole eating "healthy" thing.  Do you even know how to start or pick it back up?  Do you think you have to starve?!  Have you followed every diet out there and just gained everything back?  Do you have a medical condition that you are having trouble managing and it's throwing your weight all over the place?  I get it!

It's more simple than what you may think.  But there's no magic pill.  There never has been.  Americans are getting fatter and sicker by the year.  Here are some stats from the CDC.  Why?  Simple, food manufacturing.  Here is an article from NBC News on the highly processed foods and cancer.  We "create" food's, GMO's, we don't grow them.  It's sad to say.  Registered Dietitian Diana Rodgers writes a fabulous article here about diets and foods (from 2017).  

The next time you go to the grocery store, pick up a random item and read the ingredients.  Can you pronounce everything listed?  Do you know what every ingredient that is list is?  Pick a random one and look it up.  Need more help with what something is?  There are also a lot of food/allergy apps out there and they show you what foods to avoid when shopping (great for newbies!).

So, what do you eat?!  How do you finally lose the weight you want and not starve yourself?  Well, it's very individual.  What works for what person may not work for the next person.  What I can say for sure is that eating a properly prepared whole food diet is where you want to start.  This I have known for a long time and it has been shown to be true time and time again in the paleo/primal/low carb sphere and further cemented by the Nutritional Therapy Association where I have been doing my training (as you already know).  

If you want to read other points of view you can read one here from WebMD, here, and here from Chris Kresser, and one from The Paleo Mom, Dr. Sarah Ballantyne with the scientific studies here.  The proper amounts of protein, fats and, carbohydrates again are all bio individual. Some will do better with higher fat and moderate protein.  Others will do best on a keto version with lower carbohydrates.  You can again head over to The Nourished Caveman's site or Maria Emmerich's site for more information on the Keto diet.  I guarantee that it will change.  What works for you now may not work for you 6 months from now.

For me at this current time, carnivore-ish, is working for me.  I'm about 95% carnivore, which means I eat meat.  The other 5% is coffee, avocado and nut butter (my favs!).  I find that I don't need to eat as often but ONLY if I eat enough protein and fat.  To read more on carnivore you can head over to Dr. Anthony Gustin and his views here.  The Nourished Caveman (Vivica Menegaz) talks about her experience (7 weeks) here.

I never gave you the answer to "How to lose weight" because there is no magic pill and no one way of eating.  You have to go back to the beginning.  What's the beginning?  As I stated above, whole foods that are properly prepared, like our grandparents ate or maybe great grandparents at this point (I'm older!).  No need to drastically cut calories or be at the gym 3 hours everyday.  Sure those may be able to help you in the beginning, but you don't even need to go there.  They will only set you up for failure.

You can contact me about how you can look better, feel better and have a happier, healthier life without the word "diet" coming into play.  Manage symptoms better from other conditions.  I can't diagnose or treat disease but I can help you feel your best!  

I would love for you to comment on this post about your struggles and what you have tried and also if you have any conditions that have hindered you from achieving your healthiest life.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Hydration - Are you drinking enough?

Next in the series of posts is my hot button - HYDRATION!  I am one of those people that just doesn't like water.  I know, it's bizarre but I have met a few people that don't like it either, but it's rare.  I'm a work in progress, so I'm trying.

Here are a few things that D and I drink.  Somethings are daily and some are maybe once a week or even a few sips every day.  Electrolytes are at the top of our daily beverages as well as iced coffees (summertime!).  I love sparkling flavored water and mineral waters.  As my splurge, I will have coconut water.  This one happens to be chocolate, I was encouraged to try it and it tastes just like chocolate milk. 

We can't forget that we do get some water from our foods as well.  More so from unprocessed whole foods.  I just made this smoothie bowl which has blue/green algae, avocado and vanilla protein powder.  Not only am I getting fats and proteins but I am getting some hydration in as well.  I usually have consumed coffee in the morning, which depending on your body, can be a diuretic.  What does that mean, isn't coffee made with water?!  Yes, it is, but caffeine can negate the benefit of water and can deplete your hydration levels.  It's best to add more water to your daily consumption based on your coffee or caffeine consumption.

What are the benefits of drinking the proper amount of water for you and what is the proper amount?

Water is the most important nutrient in the body making up approximately 55 to 60% of our total mass.  We can go for weeks without food but only days without water.

Benefits include:

delivering oxygen
transporting nutrients
easier breathing
absorbs shock
regulates body temperature
removes wastes
aids in healing

We produce 8% through metabolic processes and we need to consume 92% through drinking and eating.  That is a significant amount if you ask me!  Amy Kubal wrote a great article that you can read here from Robb Wolf's site.


It's bigger than what you think.  You could be dehydrated right now.  I know you are saying you aren't thirsty, so you're not dehydrated, right?!  Not so fast.  Remember above, we need to consume 92% from food and beverages.  I barely drink right now, so I rely on food.  That's a lot of food to consume for that big percentage.  I'm not thirsty right now, but I bet I'm dehydrated.

If we are dehydrated it can cause fatigue.  So if you are sleepy right now reading this, go have some water and let me know how you feel after.  It can cause health problems such as digestive issues, cardiovascular, immune and musculoskeletal.  So basically every part of your body can have an issue by just not drinking enough water!  So, what am I doing right now?


I have a Berkey water filtration system, so I know my water is good for me.  Stay away from bottled water as the plastics can leach into the water.  If you want bottled than stick to glass or invest in a good quality non-plastic bottle (NO STRAW EITHER, unless its metal)

I also like to drink out of random glasses, mugs and jugs! Ha ha!

So what are the proper guidelines?  As a base, the amount you should consume in ounces is your body weight (in lbs) divided by 2.  I should be drinking about 60 ounces.  I roughly weigh 120 lbs.  Now you might be better off with a little more or a little less depending on your activities and the other beverages (non-caffeinated) you drink.  You can click here to take you to a handy calculator to see what the proper ratio could be for you.  If you would like to see when you should take in more water, you can read that here.

This isn't a long post but just a reminder to drink more water.  Sip it throughout the day, still, drink your coffee or tea and then get back to the water.

I am on day 3 of drinking more and I am noticing digestive improvements!  Yay!  I'm also generally feeling pretty good.  I drink mine with a couple pinches of Himalayan sea salt.  Getting those minerals in too!

How are you making sure you are drinking enough water?  What tips would you give to someone who is less than excited to drink it?