Friday, April 28, 2017

Intro Dairy!

This week is intro to dairy.  I plan on being conservative here.  Since I'm not with any nut butters!  I wanted to find the least amount of sugar (Of course) grass fed greek yogurt.  Since it's shown to be the best for you.  I found Maple Hill Creamery on a special at a local market so I picked up one.  OMG even though it's plain it was so good!  I plan on having some more dairy tomorrow (Friday).  It's a different brand, Wallaby.  It's unsweetened but has fruit, so not sure how that works since it has the same amount of sugars that Maple Hill's does.

I paired this with my breakfast before for a little extra protein and fat.

This chicken bratwurst sausage was from Whole Foods and pretty good.  I sautéed brussel sprouts, green beans and mixed greens in organic vegetable broth.

That was the other big step this week as well.  Every vegetable I bought was organic, as well as every piece of meat was, grass fed or pastured raised.  Whether I noticed the difference or not, nothing physical but they taste so much better.  

 This morning I did an easy slow run at the gym with some rolling hills.  Breakfast was typical so I didn't take a picture, but it did have leftover salmon and the above picture was dinner because that is what Thursday night it!  So good.

Friday mornings breakfast with Wallaby yogurt - the fruit portion wasn't sweet like I thought it would be.  I paired that with some bacon, sautéed kale, fennel, zucchini and onion.  The calories didn't add up to what I have been eating so I was hungry early.  I ate a jerky stick and later for lunch was a banana and my shake.  My workout was lighter (in weights) then what I have been doing.  I had to drop back my dumbbells on chest press from 35 to 27.5 - no clue what that was about.  I dropped almost all my weights back except for bicep curls and triceps.  I just kept going!

Today work bought lunch from a local deli.  Whenever that happens and I order I usually have it for dinner that night.  Even though the deli claimed to have gluten free lunch meat I opted for The cold plate, which is chicken salad, tuna salad on a bed of romaine with tomato and pickles.  The mayo probably isn't the cleanest but I figured it was safer then getting gluten and no I really didn't need to order anything.  But I did and also got a side of potato salad.  Yes, it was everything with mayo today.  I ate half the potato salad then gave the rest to the dogs, it was pretty tasty and so creamy.  I saved the tuna salad for tomorrow at some point, maybe breakfast and ate the greens and chicken salad.  I gave it to the pups for a snack.  They gave you quite a lot!  Was probably a cup of chicken salad.  I should of taken a picture of it.  Everything was tasty but really hasn't set well with me.  I was gassy and had a mild headache - not sure which I can blame that on - the chicken or the potato.  I'm not dwelling on it, I ate it and I am moving on.  It's not going to ruin any progress in the gym or overall.  My gut could have a set back maybe but not sure.

I'm still tracking and I think I am falling into old habits of playing with numbers and how low can I get them to go.  I need to drop it!  I need to rely on how I feel.  If I am truly hungry or not and not "save" calories for night so I know I can splurge on other things.  If I'm hungry then I should eat and if I'm not then no eating.  Simple right.  Wrong!  If you have ever listened to Jason Seib or follow AltShift then you will know where I am coming from.  

UGH!  I may need to buy his new book Body Beliefs.  A mental switch is what I need.

Soon to bed.  My plan for Saturday is a home workout.  20 minutes of PopSugar and then lifting.  Everything that is planned I can do here, so I thought why not!  I have all the proper weights.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Styrofoam, Updates and ThredUp

I can't believe all these weeks and it didn't dawn on me until I was listening to a podcast episode #229 from Evan Brand and lab testing for heavy metals, toxins, etc that I have been drinking out of a Styrofoam cup for weeks now!!

This is a good simple article from Dr. Weil - Is Styrofoam Safe?  It pretty much states that if you're drinking a cold beverage from it you are probably okay, a hot beverage NO!  I'm just staying on the safe side and I have abandoned it completely.  I brought in my own coffee mug to drink my tea or just some hot water.  I have to get up more frequently to refill but nothing wrong with that!  UGH, styrene!

It does make me curious if this has had any effect on me recently.  I did start my heavy metal detox this week - so perfect time to make sure I'm not using any plastics or unnatural products!

No this kind of metal!  LOL - I love meme's!I can't believe all these weeks and it didn't dawn on me until I was listening to a podcast episode #229 from Evan Brand and lab testing for heavy metals, toxins, etc that I have been drinking out of a Styrofoam cup for weeks now!!

Saturday night was our 6 year anniversary.  My plan was to stay on plan, BUT I did have a glass of wine.  It was a glass of resiling and I found it sweeter than I once would have.  We went to Cameron's Steakhouse in downtown Birmingham.  It was fabulous!  We both had the bone in cowboy ribeye.  I had a side of the brussel sprouts with bacon (of course) and D had green beans with walnut butter.

Pretty much how it looked!
We had a great evening.  We walked over to The Cupcake Station where D got a Oreo Cookie Cupcake.

Then over to La Strada for a cappuccino for D and an herbal tea for me.

We decided it smelled so good there and everything we saw looked so wonderful we will have dinner there our next night out, which is typically once a week - either Friday or Saturday.  Their coffee is so good, I certainly can't wait till I can have it again.

So, how did I do after the glass of wine?  I got a very minor headache that lasted a short period of time, other then that I have felt fine.  I went to bed before midnight and woke around 6:30 but didn't get out of bed until 7:30.  I dressed to go running and headed to the gym.  I ran 6 miles and raced over to get D his coffee from Dunkin' and home to make my breakfast.  I also got the furry ones a blueberry donut.  We had our open house today so I packed the dogs up and headed to D's parents.

They are not always the best back seat passengers.  A cool thing happened when I stopped at Starbucks on the way.  The person in front of me paid for my tea!   It truly made my day!  So I paid for the person behind me.  Such a nice thing and I should do that more!

Big Dawg had to check things out when D met us there.  The rest of the evening was pretty relaxing.  We came home and watched a movie, ate leftover steak and walked to get ice cream for D.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Another week down - Easter and Boston Marathon

Another week down and this week was adding back in nuts and seeds.  I only added almond butter, low sugar of course.  I ate 1 tablespoon Monday, Tuesday and even Wednesday.  So, I noticed I had a low grade headache each day.  

I can't say when the headache on Monday started, whether it was before or after the nut butter, but it was pretty constant.  Tuesday I think I was even a little foggy too. I decided the rest of the week I wasn't going to have any more.  I should try another nut - macadamia or cashew.  I'm curious as to how I will react with peanut butter on Monday, I can't ever recall having an issue with that.

I did purchase some cashew butter yesterday (Saturday) from Trader joe's and no reaction!  Sqewee!  

It has only 1 gram of sugar and the taste is FABulous!  Not sure why I haven't tried it until now.  But if I can't have almond butter it's not that big of a deal as long as I can have something, right!

Here are some random pics from what I ate this week.  Nothing really changing except for the plantains.  These can either be brekkie or dinner.  Though when I have carbs/starch it's usually at night.

Yesterday I ran to the gym, which is about 1.25 miles from home.  I thought it was a good way to get my cardio in, why drive on a beautiful day?  It was windy on my way home so made it a little rough, but I plan on doing that every Sunday, as long as the weather allows.  I'm so slow now, it really makes me sad.  BUT, there was a time on 2014 I didn't think I would be able to run again.  I'm just happy to be able to get out there and do what I can.

My random gym pic just before I went to do some slam balls.  Not a tiring/sore workout that I wanted but still good.  I want to lift to fatigue, I get close but never really push it.  I don't like to be super sore afterwards anyway.  My back was already bothering me from the deadlifts and I dropped the weight significantly.  It was a hamstring focused day, so back was under stress.  I need suggestions on fixing it.  My core is pretty strong, but still working on that and I do some, not enough of accessory movements.  Will just keep moving forward with more work to stabilize my lower back.

Dinner last night was ribeye steak's from Trader Joe's.  I can't say how much I love these steaks from there enough!  I have never disappointed.  I have purchased ribeye's from other stores and never have liked them as much.  I did break out the grill yesterday too.  I accompanied it with homemade parsnip fries, cauliflower and mayo.  Yes, I do love to dip fries in mayo, so good.  I highly recommend it. 

My meals have been super consistent, but I wanted to track into the weekend.  Here was yesterdays snap shots from MyFitnessPal.

So, Here is where I have been ending up - between 1400 and 1600 calories.  Is that good, bad or indifferent.  I'm saying it's indifferent.  You've seen my meals, I'm certainly not restricting in any means.  So that's my week wrap up.  Been feeling fine otherwise, a few bumps.  I am determined to add more of a mindful yoga practice with meditation.  I think it would go a long way - mentally and physically.

Easter morning brekkie!  Guacamole with a ton of veggies and a pork/turkey patty (homemade).  So good and filling.  I know it will keep me full for quite awhile, maybe even past my workout.  Even though I don't always feel hungry after a workout I still fuel up, so my shake is a really good placement.  Today was 20 minutes on the elliptical to warm up, followed by a 4 mile easy run (kept heart rate in fat burn zone) then a 5 minute spin down.

The huge thing around social media right now is how someone eats their chocolate bunny, feet, tail or ears first.  

Tomorrow (Monday) is Patriot's Day and the Boston Marathon.  I ran it in 2014.  I took a pic of Quincy Marketplace while we were there.
Quincy Marketplace

We walked all over Boston the day before and even stopped by the finish line after going to the expo.

I was thinking about this yesterday as I watched a program about some of victims of the bombing and reflecting on me being able to run that year.  I still can't describe how this community is like a family and the outpouring of support for all.  I was so grateful that I could run and carry that spirit with me.

I think I will write more on this at another time.  But, it's Easter and we are getting ready to head out to an early dinner.


Monday, April 10, 2017

Monday Almond Butter! Real Life

Monday morning.  I didn't sleep well but of course was wide awake for the gym.  Today was quad day.  It wasn't great since I ran yesterday.  My back was stiff so squats I could barely do, split squats were good though.  I finished my lifting with just over 10 minutes of walking.  Overall I'm not disappointed.  I have decided to continue tracking during this week to see how I feel at certain points in the day and when I last ate.

 BREAKFAST! Sat down to eat around 7am.

I'm loving cooking my greens in veggie stock, so tasty!  It's a good sized portion.

I stopped at Starbucks since it was double points day and got a Peach Tranquility tea again.  Just so good!  I refilled that cup about 2 more times with hot water.  By the end there was no tea flavor!  Then, I started feeling hungry right about Noon, so it was the perfect time to get home and have my shake.

Me spooning my shake with my almond butter and only 1 gram of sugar per tbs!  I love crunchy almond butter or peanut butter, flavored ones are even better!

Around 3:30 I was feeling a little hungry.  I know I wasn't bored since I had been pretty busy today.  I had a New Primal Uncured Bacon Jerky Stick.  I really liked this one, great taste

No picture of dinner but I can tell you it was a big salad and it was wonderful.  The chicken was smaller and I probably over estimated the amount of bacon since it was all chopped up.  I love to eat a lot of food and I never have leftovers, rarely ever.  I eat clean enough in general and a majority of it is vegetables so it's all good.  I'm comfortable with me 😍

After all this is real life.  Not everything is beautifully designed meals.  I get home I need to eat.  Whether that's in the morning or in the evening.  If I can prep large amounts on the weekends I do.  If I can't I try to find the things that make it easier and I use those.  I cook separate meals for both D and I.  It's not hard and dinner is always ready in under 30 minutes.  I have the tools to get it done.  I do what I need to do in general to get things done.  I bought an instant pot over the summer and it is the best tool I have purchased.  I love it!

I am happy today and my progress.  Every week is getting easier with various foods I can introduced back in, within reason.

My next challenge is to add a lot more variety of vegetables.  Dr Terry Wahls recently talked about getting in over 200 varieties and I think it's a great goal to accomplish.  I know there are a few things I can't have, for now, but so many vegetables to try it's exciting!

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Sunday Relaxing Run Day

I'm hungry and I shouldn't be.... I ate enough at breakfast, so what gives?!  I decide to grab the rest of the corned beef I have in the frig and it seems to be adequate.

I got up just after 7:30 this morning and headed to Starbucks around 8.  Stopping of course for a sour cream donut for the pups and a double chocolate donut for D.  I finally got a tea at Starbucks with a little coconut milk - Peach Tranquility (herbal! no caffeine!).  It was very peachy and perfect for the warmer day - summery 😌

When I got home I made this fabulous brekkie!
It has all the yum in it!  Spinach, collard greens, yellow pepper, healthy 8 mix (Trader Joe's), corned beef and pork/turkey burger mix.  I sautéed it in around a tablespoon of coconut oil.

Just before 1 I headed out for my run.  I didn't really have a set route I just wanted to enjoy the 70 degree weather!

I went through the downtown and through a peaceful trail and then I saw this! LOL - crazy!

I stopped and grabbed a water on my way back - somewhere are mile 5 or 6.  All I know is it was a slow steady run and I paused when I wanted to with no goal in mind.  Just being able to run no matter how fast or slow was what I wanted and I am happy that I could do.  3 years ago I didn't know if I was going to be able to run in the future.  I ran Boston and then a half Ironman and I fractured my hip  - the femoral head to be exact.  Just where you don't want it to happen.  So I couldn't run, but I could cross train thankfully!  I was able to keep my sanity.

After my run it was time for my post-workout shake.  I like to spoon my shake and hey, nutrition isn't always pretty but it is tasty!  I mixed my deluxe chocolate and mixed berry with half of a small banana.  I mix my shake with water, easy peasy.

I started to eat this before I took a picture!  It was so good and so many veggies!  Just what I needed and wanted!  I did add a little bit of vegetable broth that I didn't count, maybe a 1/4 cup.

Looks like a lot of food, but check it out.  Total of 1484 calories, carbs are decent at 101 grams and are only that high because of my "shake".  I'm satisfied with the protein and I think I could have upped the fat more.  

We also took the pups for a much needed walk after dinner.  Jack doesn't like to go outside, all the noises and people freak him out!  He sleeps good though and has put on a few extra pounds from not getting in his daily walks.  All the rain lately has been horrible.

So here is my ending day counts, since I just added that long walk in.  I may have a medjool date.... I don't eat much fruit and know I could have up to 2 servings per day but that hasn't happened.

Tomorrow I get to add nuts and seeds!!  YES!  Up to 2 ounces.  I will probably just have 1 tbs of almond butter in my shake at lunch - so YUM!


Saturday, April 8, 2017

A Day of Tracking Food

Saturday morning!  Yes!!  It has seemed like there was an extra day placed in my work week!  It didn't help that half the staff took Friday off, it was beautiful out (yet still cold) and it was opening day.  That means nothing was going on and it was hard to do anything at work.  I got up and took the sheets off the bed to be washed.  It's amazing how dirty they get when you have a Big Dawg that insists on sleeping in bed with you.  Fun, dirt and more dirt and fur, YUK!

I went to Starbuck's for D and got him their new Lightly sweetened iced Chai latte and the pups (and Kaat) shared their old fashioned glazed donut.  Home and got to my breakfast.  D had cereal, blah!  I cut up 3 leaves of napa cabbage, 2 large collard green leaves and sautéed those with 4 pieces of bacon and about 1/3 cup of frozen broccoli.  I put it all in a bowl that you have seen many times.  As I sat eating it I thought, this isn't enough food, I know I'm going to be hungry before the gym and doing everything I have to do today.  Grocery shopping, cleaning and giving Puppy his bath.  I decided to put breakfast on MyFitnessPal.  I added the bacon drippings since I certainly didn't drain it!  I'm going with a tablespoon since I really didn't look what was in the pan and was probably less.

Totally not enough in my opinion!  I will probably add some extra protein in a little while.  After the gym I will have my shake and half a banana.  I will continue to track throughout the day and it will probably show exactly why I am hungry at several points throughout my day.

I decided to head to get some groceries and ate 3 slices of corned beef.  Once I got home I did have some Epic Pork Rinds before heading to the gym.

It was a hamstring focused day and this was at the end of my workout.  I think this was just after the slam balls before walking on the treadmill.

I got home and made my shake/pudding with half of a small banana mixed in.  It was a nice fruity mix, this flavor is mixed berry.  Tomorrow I may just combined the chocolate and berry for something a little different.  I felt like I could have had more, but I figured dinner would be around 5 and it was 2 when I had this. (I put the pork rinds in lunch even though it was before my workout).

I did some laundry and was surprised when D got home a little early from his ride.  I found a movie to throw on for noise and started dinner.  Mine is on the left and D's on the right.  I totally forgot to weigh the sweet potato.  I figured it was about a pound and pretty much split it between us so my best guess is 8 ounces.  Even if it was higher I still think it just fine and right now I am super full!!  The downside is I haven't had enough water.

So there is my day! 

Not quite!  I ended up snacking on the rest of the epic pork rinds!
So, my overall thoughts would be that I need to eat more at breakfast, duh.  Dinner is pretty solid.  I shouldn't need to snack if I am getting adequate fat and protein in during breakfast.  So tomorrow I will experiment again.  Days I'm lifting I should have more protein.  My carbs are going to vary since I don't always eat a sweet potato at night.  I certainly need to up my fats since that will help me feel fuller.

Tomorrow is a run day and I plan on running outside midday.  So my breakfast will have to have some staying power.  Oh!  I found that Starbuck's does have an herbal tea!  I can finally get something and not feel left out!  Woo Hoo!!