Friday, June 2, 2017

Tuesday - Dr Brett Allen Appointment

I got my test results back this past Friday and I was hoping for better.  Of course, I immediately went to typing an email to Dr. Brett Allen about the whys and the what nows.

Don't get me wrong, I feel great!  I expected my thyroid levels to be near perfect and my candida to be back in normal range.  I even wrote - "Maybe I should have detoxed harder!"   I can't say that would really have been a solution.  We don't get where we are overnight do we.  How can we expect to heal overnight?!

Totally unrealistic!  I want it now, but I get why I can't have it now.  It takes awhile and even 4 months is not enough time.  Some people heal quicker than others.  Some people can give up things and never look back.  I have been told I have great will power.  I beg to differ.  I just remember how I feel eating certain foods and what happened when I ate those consistently - like losing my job because my brain fog was so bad and the worse I would feel as the day went longer.  January was my worst month ever.  I was paranoid beyond belief, anxious, headaches, exhausted.  By the time noon came around I just wanted to lay around and sleep.  I got my blood work done then and knew the path I needed to go on.  I was starting a new job and needed focus so I went AIP.  Within a couple days I felt better but I know I needed to do more.

I looked into functional medicine, set up apps with 2 different doctors and asked questions.  I chose Dr. Allen because I didn't need to travel to an office, not that it was a deciding factor but it was a nice addition.  He focused on wanting to help me without breaking the bank.  Yes, my bank still got a bit broken since our current health care system doesn't acknowledge functional medicine, so zero coverage.  But, I knew this going in and it wasn't life altering where I couldn't get the supplements I needed.  I had told D and my family that I was at a point that I didn't care what it was going to cost me I wanted and needed to get better!  Honestly, yes I cared - a growing credit card causes stress!  I've managed it the best I could and hope to have it paid off way before the end of the year.  Dr. Allen was focused on answering all the questions I had and answered all my emails quickly!  

So, getting back to my lab results.  Yes, I still have candida.  How can I expect that it would have gone away or become manageable in that little amount of time.  What was the biggest factor and the solution to get the rest of the numbers to become within normal range -STRESS!

Honestly, I don't feel this at all.  I feel pretty good and am trying to relax in the evening and get rid of the electronics.  As of today I work within walking distance so walking is relaxing.  I also need to lower my exercise load.  This means following my training plan closer and when it says to not do cardio - don't do the cardio!!  No adding on more exercise because it seems like it was easy or I think I can add on more.

Honestly - I will probably gain more muscle!  Cue The Bigness Project!  I'm at the end of week 4 (again), so I will tweak what I have been doing and actually follow the program to the letter.

So slight disappointment that I need to continue the candida supplements - but I'm certainly ok with it.  I'm looking forward to the continued healing and learning process.  It's interesting if you just pay a  little more attention to your body it will tell you what works and what doesn't.


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