Sunday, April 2, 2017

Week 3 wrap up

Ugh, it's only the end of week 3?!?  It feels like it's been forever!  Of course I have been doing this more since February - so technically 2 months in and some days I feel more deprived then others.  When I do I have some coconut manna.  It has 2 gram of sugar per tablespoon and I'm not "making" anything with it.  It's a whole food source so I'm counting it in.

Though I do love my carb ups!
So how else am I feeling? EXTREMELY EXHAUSTED SINCE WEDNESDAY!  Wednesday was expo at work so I worked from 8:30 am to 9:30 pm and had an hour break.  I've been moody and D says I just don't look happy lately.  Nope I can't say I am particularly happy right now but I am feeling better than I was.  If I can heal my gut and get the candida under control it's a win!  I just want to be able to eat the few things I really miss.  That is what is frustrating to me.

My meals have pretty much looked the same as they have in the previous weeks, so why bore you with the same pics, same meals.....

This is what I ate this morning.  4 strips of bacon and in the grease cooked purple cabbage and cauliflower.  I, of course topped it with avocado!

Another from earlier this week - 2 strips of bacon, pork/turkey patty with a mixture of greens and avocado.  I love everything in a bowl!

Random gym pic with my new compression capri's from Old Navy.  I really like their workout selection.  It's inexpensive and last a long time.  Not to mention just plain cute!  I got a comment from an older woman that I just looked so bright for so early.  That's the one thing I like about early morning.  You see the same faces and become comfortable with who is there because it rarely changes - unlike the evening and weekends.  Plus you can get any of the equipment you need when you need it.  
Puppy came to work with me on Friday!
This week's workout's have really been bumped up!  I've added a few new exercises and kept my time about the same so I may not gotten in all the cardio - but it's ok.  

Here is my breakdown if you would like to follow - just make sure you lift as heavy as you can.  Some days I am stronger than others.  I always warm up for 10 minutes prior and 10 minutes after on the elliptical.

Split squats
Leg press
Stability ball shelc
Calf raises
Reverse pec machine
cable trunk rotations
kb swings

Cable arm pulldowns
Double strict press
Arnold Press
Alternating front raises
Chin ups
Pull overs
Hammer curls
Overhead Tricep ext
Flutter kicks

Single leg gluten bridge
Hip thrusters
Single leg hip thrusters
Reverse hyper extension
Lateral walks
Hip abduction
Frog pump
Lateral raise
Upright row
Calf raise

Rest Day or Easy run (6 miles - 1 hour)

Incline bench press
bent row
Machine row
Bicep curl
Tricep pulldown
Skull crusher
Bent arm lateral raise
Hanging knee raise

Back extension
Romanian deadlift
Curtsy Lunge
Donkey Kick
Leg extension
Calf raises
Rear delts
Slam ball without the slam!

Run Day! Typical 8 miles

That's been my week.  Accomplished, exhausted and overall pretty good.  I got a lot done which I feel good about.  Week for begins tomorrow and I get to add a serving of fruit!  I already have my frozen strawberries.  I just got blueberries today and bananas and plantains.  Maybe I can even eat some plantain chips for different texture!

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