Sunday, April 16, 2017

Another week down - Easter and Boston Marathon

Another week down and this week was adding back in nuts and seeds.  I only added almond butter, low sugar of course.  I ate 1 tablespoon Monday, Tuesday and even Wednesday.  So, I noticed I had a low grade headache each day.  

I can't say when the headache on Monday started, whether it was before or after the nut butter, but it was pretty constant.  Tuesday I think I was even a little foggy too. I decided the rest of the week I wasn't going to have any more.  I should try another nut - macadamia or cashew.  I'm curious as to how I will react with peanut butter on Monday, I can't ever recall having an issue with that.

I did purchase some cashew butter yesterday (Saturday) from Trader joe's and no reaction!  Sqewee!  

It has only 1 gram of sugar and the taste is FABulous!  Not sure why I haven't tried it until now.  But if I can't have almond butter it's not that big of a deal as long as I can have something, right!

Here are some random pics from what I ate this week.  Nothing really changing except for the plantains.  These can either be brekkie or dinner.  Though when I have carbs/starch it's usually at night.

Yesterday I ran to the gym, which is about 1.25 miles from home.  I thought it was a good way to get my cardio in, why drive on a beautiful day?  It was windy on my way home so made it a little rough, but I plan on doing that every Sunday, as long as the weather allows.  I'm so slow now, it really makes me sad.  BUT, there was a time on 2014 I didn't think I would be able to run again.  I'm just happy to be able to get out there and do what I can.

My random gym pic just before I went to do some slam balls.  Not a tiring/sore workout that I wanted but still good.  I want to lift to fatigue, I get close but never really push it.  I don't like to be super sore afterwards anyway.  My back was already bothering me from the deadlifts and I dropped the weight significantly.  It was a hamstring focused day, so back was under stress.  I need suggestions on fixing it.  My core is pretty strong, but still working on that and I do some, not enough of accessory movements.  Will just keep moving forward with more work to stabilize my lower back.

Dinner last night was ribeye steak's from Trader Joe's.  I can't say how much I love these steaks from there enough!  I have never disappointed.  I have purchased ribeye's from other stores and never have liked them as much.  I did break out the grill yesterday too.  I accompanied it with homemade parsnip fries, cauliflower and mayo.  Yes, I do love to dip fries in mayo, so good.  I highly recommend it. 

My meals have been super consistent, but I wanted to track into the weekend.  Here was yesterdays snap shots from MyFitnessPal.

So, Here is where I have been ending up - between 1400 and 1600 calories.  Is that good, bad or indifferent.  I'm saying it's indifferent.  You've seen my meals, I'm certainly not restricting in any means.  So that's my week wrap up.  Been feeling fine otherwise, a few bumps.  I am determined to add more of a mindful yoga practice with meditation.  I think it would go a long way - mentally and physically.

Easter morning brekkie!  Guacamole with a ton of veggies and a pork/turkey patty (homemade).  So good and filling.  I know it will keep me full for quite awhile, maybe even past my workout.  Even though I don't always feel hungry after a workout I still fuel up, so my shake is a really good placement.  Today was 20 minutes on the elliptical to warm up, followed by a 4 mile easy run (kept heart rate in fat burn zone) then a 5 minute spin down.

The huge thing around social media right now is how someone eats their chocolate bunny, feet, tail or ears first.  

Tomorrow (Monday) is Patriot's Day and the Boston Marathon.  I ran it in 2014.  I took a pic of Quincy Marketplace while we were there.
Quincy Marketplace

We walked all over Boston the day before and even stopped by the finish line after going to the expo.

I was thinking about this yesterday as I watched a program about some of victims of the bombing and reflecting on me being able to run that year.  I still can't describe how this community is like a family and the outpouring of support for all.  I was so grateful that I could run and carry that spirit with me.

I think I will write more on this at another time.  But, it's Easter and we are getting ready to head out to an early dinner.


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