Saturday, February 3, 2018

First Friday of February! What I ate today.

I now have 2 yoga partners!  It does make yoga even more enjoyable than it already is. 

I think big dawg was looking toward the stairs because someone was making noise!

Felix was sitting on the armoire after being spooked by something.  He is a little skittish!  His favorite place to hang out is the closet on top of the shoes in my office.  He's a little strange!  I was very happy that he actually ate all his food in one sitting this morning.  I had everything ready to go this morning, so no prepping needed!  I warmed up my coffee from yesterday (Be Well Cafe Vanilla Latte) and made my shake.  The temp had dropped again yesterday so D was going to drive me to work 😀 No being cold for me!

I got to work and then was asked to go run an errand!  Of course I don't drive to work so I borrowed a car from the front manager.  I was off looking for coffee filters!  Luckily a nearby Starbucks was kind enough to give me a stack!  So I headed back to work and had a bunch of things to get done.  Unfortunately I wasn't very busy cooking food but just prepping.  Around 10:30 I was ready for my lunch.

I mentioned I bought this metal bento box yesterday and it came in handy!  I had around 1/2 pound of sriracha brussels from Whole Foods, spaghetti squash, baby kale and a spinach chicken sausage from Brat Hans.  I grilled up the sausage on the flat top and let everything else come to room temp.  Only bad thing about eating at work, don't want to microwave it.

Can I get a macchiato!?!  I did make this myself, decaf of course. Then I was back at it.  I made almond butter bars a little later.  It's one of the best selling pastries in the case!  I make them a couple times a week!  If you're near Birmingham the come to Birmingham Roast to try one!

Finally 3pm and time to walk home!  It was still a bit cold but not like it was in the morning, I was happy about that.  I always listen to a Podcast on my walks.  Today was listening to the latest from Jason Seib and Altshift.  I love it for the mindset.  You should check it out.  I got home to hungry animals.  I'm feeding Felix after everyone else so him and I can get alone time and he can be calm.  So I meditated for 30 minutes in my office with him.  He ate well and went to the litter box.  He's making progress but I wish Nostrand would stop stalking him.  The dogs could careless about him but she is just nasty.

Butcherbox to the rescue for dinner!

For my Real Plans dinner tonight I made a cinnamon sage rubbed ribeye.  I had pulled from the freezer this morning 2 ribeye's to thaw from my butcherbox.  I love this service and wondering if I should change it back to monthly instead of bi-monthly or just add on a few more items.  The cinnamon was very subtle in case you were wondering.  They paired a totally different side but I wasn't feeling sage dusted butternut squash and opted for my leftover roasted cauliflower.  I made D a pesto rice with peas.  Overall it was a good day.  I'm still loving the Real Plans meals and so nice to be able to customize everything including portion sizes.  Check it out here if you haven't yet!

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