I read it a lot as I'm sure you do as well. Most people start a blog for accountability, to share maybe with others if they come along. I think it's a good reason for me as well. I need to be able to check in and write about what is going on. I believe that it can be about anything and everything because somewhere out there people are going through similar situations and it's comforting to know that you are not the only one. It's scary too. Everyday I read about people with Hashimoto's that don't get proper treatment and think they are crazy and it's all made up. They are a hypochondriac. I was labelled as that growing up, I was never listened to. So much later did I have to be my own health advocate and so glad I did because I have answers, not solutions but a journey now.
This morning while at the gym at 5am. I know I should get rest but I'm dealing with insomnia, it's on the list. Trust me. I'm not tracking my foods any more. There is no reason to at this point. I know what clean, healthy eating looks like and even feels like. So I am going to go with what I know and if something goes funky I know I can pick it back up again.
This mornings gym work out was like this.
20 minutes elliptical at fat burn so around 121 HR for me
35 minutes lifting:
Chest press
Incline chest press
Eccentric pull up
Chest supported rows
Side Planks
15 minute treadmill walk at 4.0
Here is my keto brekkie this morning. 3 pieces of bacon, turkey/beef mix and avocado. Cinnamon Orange tea latte with coconut milk. Really is good. I also ate 2 olives while everything was cooking
Then Nostrand decided she was going to get her best attempts in at taking my meat. Bad kitty!
I forgot to snap a pic of my lunch since I come home everyday to let the dogs out. But it was the steak I had last night (and tonight) and roasted cauliflower. Not so thrilling! I think coming home is the highlight of my day! Once I get back to work I count down the hours! So bad.
Tonight's dinner was the rest of the steak from the last couple meals with roasted fingerling potatoes and roasted green beans. I roasted them in coconut oil, which is always fabulous!
And dessert! I made carob coconut butter cup. Melt coconut oil and add carob powder. I eye balled it. Coconut butter solidifies pretty easy so this is based on taste. Place a little in a small paper cup and place in freeze. In the meantime melt some coconut butter. Pull the base out of the freezer, make sure they are solid and place to butter on top and then top with remaining carob mixture and freeze. Easy peasy right!
So for now until I get my plan from my functional medicine doctor I am focusing on AIP Whole 30/21DSD. Just because it's a combination of the 2 protocols. This way I stick to AIP and eliminate sugar. So far it hasn't been bad at all.
I have been surfing Pinterest for anything I can find, but I named AIP 21DSD. Check it out!
Keeping up the accountability!