I may have to interject and come back to the beginning at another time. I should flash forward quickly to where I am today. Currently bloated and sitting in my car with my 60 lb. lap dog Jack. Why bloated you say? I thought you had this figured out! Well, it's all about the n=1 experiment. Granted, I have been feeling better since jumping back to AltShift. What? You stopped? Only for a short time, about 2 weeks I would say where I went full keto, put putting on weight far too quickly cause I just love my protein too much!
Honestly, I think a lot of my bloating is just coming down to stress. I have been on a serious job hunt lately and working early mornings and every weekend is taking it's toll quickly. BUT, what else has been my bloating issue? Starch has been a huge issue. Sweet potato, potato, banana, plantains. They are all giving me issues and I'm not trying rice. I have been trying them at different points in my day to see if the effects are any different and it's all the same - morning, noon and night - just plain bloated! So, I will finish this shift with my final banana and plantain and next shift will not have them.
I have taken far too long to post this ramble! I keep changing what I am talking about here. Only because there has been so much going on lately! The above is still true - I am on the job hunt! Honestly I want to work for myself - teaching yoga and becoming an NTP - Food and fitness are really my loves. Why not do what you love right! RIGHT!
So I have figured out my food from the last ramble - I know I cannot eat more then one starch per day in my shift. Done! SO moving forth. Let me get back to my beginning!
I read Pratical Paleo and loved it, so much rained true! I had Liz Wolfe's book too Skintervention Guide and dived in. I think I did so much so quickly my body FREAKED out!
My face looked like gravel! SO many tiny white heads - sorry it was disgusting! So much detox was going on! I even contacted Liz since I was trying to do the oil cleansing and thought maybe I was doing something wrong. She suggested that maybe it was one of the oils - so I got rid of Castor oil and it seems to help. Now I am using Cocokind which I absolutely love! My skin does the best with this line! My 2 favorite products are: Organic Facial Oil and the Organic All Purpose Salve. I tried the No Poo method of hair washing, which didn't work well either for my hair. So I use minimal products and shampoo maybe once or twice a week.
I then stumbled on to Sarah from The Paleo Mom and Stacey from The Paleo Parents, Robb Wolf then Sarah Fragoso and Jason Seib. I dove into the autoimmune protocol as I found out I had Hashimoto's. I was suffering from Adrenal Fatigue, which made my days really hard, yet I continued with the high amount of work I was doing. Fueled by lots of caffeine! If I haven't mentioned it. I was working out in the am, going to my full time desk job, followed by teaching aerobics, bootcamp, yoga/pilates and water aerobics 6+ hours a week. I probably threw in another part-time job here and there. I was also under the crazy mind-set that you couldn't eat anything to maintain your ideal weight. Even if you were working out hard!
This was my train of thought. It was hard and the results were there, but I was making myself more sick as the days and weeks went by. It was hard and I was tired BUT there was more hard work to be done, so I did it. BLARGH!!! Top all that hard work with eating only 900 to 1200 calories a day! Now I work out A LOT less and eat 3 times the amount and I'm still at the same weight. Food for thought!
Till the next post! I will go into how listening to all the above people on podcasts began to change everything I knew for the better!